Cancellation Survey: A Key Tool to Improve Customer Retention
Customer retention is the key to profitably expanding your business. And this is particularly true for subscription-based models where the steady stream of income depends
How to Reduce Churn for Your SaaS Business and Increase Your Profits
Churn in the software as a service (SaaS) context refers to the percentage of customers who will cancel their subscription and stop using your tool.
Customer Onboarding: The Key to Customer Success
Customer onboarding sits at the heart of the bowtie model. Once you have gotten the website visitors to sign up for your service, it is
7 Essential Steps to Handle Unhappy Customers Effectively
Every business must learn the critical skill of dealing with unhappy customers. These scenarios can be high-stress but also high-reward. When customers express discontent, they
How to hire a marketing agency
At some point in time, your business will grow enough to require specialized marketing help. And you might want to outsource some of the activities
Black Friday marketing checklist
For e-commerce companies, Black Friday is one enormous opportunity. Consumers are primed to spend, and the sales game is all about using the right kinds