Driving Demand and Capturing Leads: Exploring the Options

Most businesses struggle to decide which route to go: demand generation or lead generation. But I think they are starting with the wrong question. A better focus point would be ‘How can my businesses drive demand AND capture the leads’? If you attract people to your business without having the ability to convert them into…

Google Ads Algorithm: How Does the Bidding Algorithm Work?

Google’s bidding algorithm has developed and increased in complexity over the years. In the early 2000s, Google AdWords was powered by a ‘simple’ rule-based algorithm. Nowadays, it is powered by machine learning and can take into account hundreds (if not thousands) of data points.  People from all over the world use search engines to find…

Optimizing Your Marketing Efforts: Why MER Matters More Than You Think

Sometimes it might feel like your marketing campaigns are firing on all cylinders, but sales still aren’t hitting the mark. This disconnect often happens because traditional metrics like ROAS might not capture the full picture. That’s where the Marketing Efficiency Ratio (MER) comes in. MER goes beyond individual ad platform performance and provides an overview of…

How to Craft Irresistible Google Ad Copy to Generate More Clicks

If you struggle with writing good ad copy that attracts clicks, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many marketers overlook this aspect of managing a Google Ads account. Why? Because it seems easy. And because there are hundreds of other things to think about that seem more impactful.  But grabbing your audience’s attention in today’s fast-paced…