What Is a T-Shaped Marketer?

For the past few years, the term ‘T-shaped marketer’ has been popularized and many marketers nowadays strive to become one. This is an awesome thing because the world needs more of them and it is a good way of future-proofing your career. T-shaped marketers are the ideal growth hackers due to their unique combination of…

Google Ads auction insights – understanding the meaning behind the metrics

Google Ads auction insights offer a sneak peek into your ads’ competitiveness relative to your competitors. If you can read these metrics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your ads’ performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.  In this article, I will do my best to point out…

Are ecommerce chatbots right for your business?

With the rise of multichannel and omnichannel strategies, ecommerce chatbots have grown in popularity. And this was needed as the complexity of these strategies can strain the customer support reps. However, when looking to use a chatbot for your ecommerce business, there are multiple factors to consider. So, let’s take a look at the good,…

How to sell on marketplaces and grow your ecommerce business

Selling on marketplaces has become a new standard for many businesses. And it makes sense. In the past decade, ecommerce sales worldwide have seen a steady increase of about 15% YoY and are projected to hit $8 trillion by 2027. Obviously, the socioeconomic issues we have seen in the early 2020s played a major factor…

How SaaS growth hacking can take your business to the next level

SaaS growth hacking: even though it may be perceived as a buzzword, I can assure you that it is much more than that. Unfortunately, the term has been used so much in the marketing industry that it has lost its true meaning.  Many LinkedIn posts from self-proclaimed thought leaders write about concepts such as scaling…

How to Create High-Performing UGC Ads to Increase Sales

User-generated content ads or UGC ads have exploded in popularity in the past years. And they did because they usually convert well. This approach takes the authentic, approachable, and relatable user-generated content and transforms it into ads.  By understanding what makes a good UGC ad, and what makes the audience tick, you can make your…

Email nurturing: Tying up the loose ends to generate more business

Email nurturing is a vital part of any inbound marketing strategy. It is the process of investing in building relationships with your customers for both B2B and B2C brands.  This is also the glue for all your marketing channels because it enhances all your efforts across all the lifecycle stages in the bowtie funnel.  However,…

How to use emotion in lifecycle marketing to increase revenues

Lifecycle marketing refers to guiding your potential customers through the customer journey stages. This means you are tailoring your communication channels to meet the customers at each stage of the buying process and ensure they have a smooth experience.  This is not a new or revolutionary way of doing marketing, but I see a lot…