About Me

Who am I?

My name is Gabriel and I started my marketing journey back in 2016. For the first 6 years, I worked in a small marketing agency helping ecommerce clients grow their businesses. 

If you ever worked in a small company, you know that there are a lot of things to do, and not that many people to do them. So, besides managing Google Ads accounts, I covered other sides of the business: cold emails, cold calls, signing up new clients and onboarding them, newsletters, keyword research and writing blog articles, customer support for the company’s Shopify app…you get the point. 

After that, I switched to managing a SaaS business’ Paid Search channels, working on CRO, and growth hacking with my colleagues.

Over the years, I had the opportunity to speak with a lot of marketers, founders, and decision makers in small and medium sized companies. I have seen their struggles, their opportunities, and their mindset. In other words, I have learned from them what makes a good entrepreneur, a good marketer, or a good leader. 

Why do I do this?

I do this to help other marketers or business owners looking for information on various marketing or business related topics and share some of my knowledge. It was extremely satisfying when I could help people I know grow their side hustle/business or market their services by broadening their view on the opportunities they have.

So a blog was the next obvious step to write about marketing and business because, in this way, I think I can help people at scale.

What can you expect from Marketing Bowtie?

The name of the blog is referencing the bowtie funnel which is mostly used in B2B sales funnel. However, I think it can be more than that. 

I think it can be a way of looking at any business and seeing how it can be improved. From the traffic acquisition part to the account activation/purchase, all the way to repeat purchases or subscription upgrades. 

At any stage of this funnel, a lot of things can be measured, optimized and growth hacked.

So with this blog, I want to discuss how marketing and data can help in every step of the customer journey and help you make better business decisions.

I hope to see you around! 

Let's keep in touch